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Facetime in the ICU

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

I've been treating a patient for about a week now who went into cardiac arrest at home. His wife has not been able to visit because of the hospital visitor restriction policy due to COVID. We have done many things to try to help him heal, but ultimately he has a poor prognosis. I’ve talked with his wife on the phone every day. I tell her how sorry I am she can’t come here. You know what she said back? She said “Doc, don't worry, it’s not your fault. the world has to come together now to protect everyone. I trust you are protecting him when I can’t be there. Thank you.” I was touched. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for her and would have expected more anger. Instead, she is thanking me!?

I desperately wanted to find a way to let her connect from afar.  Since she is not good with her phone, I helped her download a video chat app. She asked me to hold her husband's hand as she sang to him over video. It was an honor that she trusted me to be a part of such an intimate moment. It was incredibly sad, but so moving. It’s a moment I won’t ever forget. 

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