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The Build-Up Is Real

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

It’s hard to appreciate the gravity of the situation because a lot feels theoretical, but the threat is so real. It’s predicted that in the next ~2 weeks we will start to see a rise in the volume of very sick patients, and we’ll be forced to triage our limited resources. This is a tragedy to even think about, and is exactly what is occuring in Italy.

In the meantime, I am starting to face difficult repercussions at work such as the phone calls explaining to loved ones why they can’t visit their sick family members, or the need to chase down a charge nurse for PPE and limit the amount of providers that can go into a room. We have been getting daily emails from program leadership to reflect the rapidly evolving nature of this pandemic. This includes whom to test, how to protect ourselves, what to do if we are exposed and/or develop symptoms, and changes to our work schedule which will likely include getting rid of elective and clinic time (aka time built into our schedule to give us a “break”) so we can be working more hours in the hospital when needed, amongst others.

I had already reached a place in intern year where I was feeling burnt out, and this is an added layer making it more difficult to process. Our jobs come with emotional demand even without COVID-19, including the conversation I had just this evening explaining to a daughter and husband that their 50-year-old loved one is brain dead. Now, we are adding to this already time-consuming and emotionally involved job an international health crisis.

I am fortunate to be around so many inspiring and dedicated co-workers that make this transition as seamless as is feasible. I am young, healthy and absolutely the right person to be thrown into the hospital to help treat this pandemic. I just worry for those who aren’t as fortunate. And I worry for the unforeseeable changes that are to come as we work at the frontline of this pandemic. The build-up is real.

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